So I've slightly changed my idea. I think my previous idea, while interesting, might require more video time than this project requires. Therefore I think I will put that idea to the side for now and I've decided to use a simpler list of superstitions. I found a graph from Statista, attatched below that I thought might work well for covering certain superstitions and then the associated information regarding the percentage of people who do or do not believe in the superstition.
While I would no longer use the map idea, I am interested in exploring the use of the camera and the 3D space in this new idea. I think it provides an interesting opportunity to explore space and depth within these superstitions either through zooming out or in. For example, I'm really intrigued by the idea of the broken mirror and how the shards of glass could form a background for the statistical information to be displayed. I've also begun exploring different styles I might use for this animation. Becuase of the use of 3D and the need for zooming in and out without the illustrations becoming pixelated, I think I want to continue using vectors, but I do plan on adding texture with an overlay video. Below are some concept illustrations I made in Illustrator that I plan to use for this video.
I'm also really excited about the potential this idea has for the use of sound effects. Such as the knocking of wood, the meowing of a cat, the shattering of glass. While I'll probably pick some soft music to play in the background, I am really excited to explore additional sound effects in this project.
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